si fallor, sum
St. Augustine
Little "g" and ffa, three anvils, and el condor pasa
Section I
Whether the forest or the street, in the crazy mixed-up world of heliocentric physics, besides big G as
a supposed constant force, there is little "g" as another supposed constant force. The existent and then the accident, as fate and fortune turn, could be everything as circumstances would have it. Also
for the hammer or the nail, little g would represent the gravitational force and attraction of the Earth itself, especially that discovered at and around its surface, as distinguished from the supposed universal gravitational constant big G ... that would
be further out and beyond. Also said to be approximated by the rate of free fall acceleration of all objects that fall around the Earth, the nominal average value of "g" at the Earth's surface, known as standard gravity, is by definition 9.80665 m/s2 (32.1737
ft/s2). By the by, for the sparrow or the snail, per second per second, this quantity is denoted variously as gn, ge, g0, gee, or simply g. Standard gravity, or standard acceleration due to free fall, then, would represent the nominal acceleration of
an object in a vacuum vacuity of air vacuumed out near the surface of the Earth, due to the supposed pull of gravitation.
As reckoned today in so it goes, however it is, that the velocity of a free falling body
in air near the surface of the Earth is due to the combined effects of the force of gravity and centrifugal acceleration (i.e., des impetus), there is still at times, however, some confusion about weight, volume, and the subject of direction. If it is
conventionally assumed that on Earth all objects fall with a standard value of acceleration of 9.80665 m/s2 (approx. 32.174ft/s2), due to gravity, there is still the question of weight, the volume of space included, and direction.
Therefore, to simplify problems with falling objects around the Earth, inhabituated as such things are to its great volume and surface area in nearby nearly to also to that space, the "gravitational force"
of the Earth, "g", may be set equal to 9.8 or 10 m/s^2, when rounded off, or thirty-two feet per second per second; and it may be said that the gravitational force of the Earth itself, such a beauty in the round, would seem almost to cause the weight as much
as it tends to the direction and its own volumizing effects ...
Like the Blue Lotus, the narcotic lily, with azure color and sweet fragrance per
second per second, that closes up shop at sunset to sink under the water at night, and rise again at dawn to open and greet the new day, like flowers and drugs, following Galileo's counterfactual
law of falling bodies, and his theory of universal gravity, the force of gravity of Earth would be the weight, if it could; or so much like it as it is as they all fall to the ground, as it is supposed that g does not vary with other not not knotted specificities in height or likeliness of volume in weight, unusquisque, during a fall, and that there is a constant rate of acceleration among all objects falling around the earth, except for
atmospheric affects of friction. Therefore, by the distance and time formula for free falling bodies, d = 1/2gt^2, it is said that a constant rate of acceleration is reasonably assumed. So if a little green cooking apple, a Flower of Kent like the one that
fell on Newton's head, were dropped from 25 stories, a text book could teach that it should take 4 seconds therabouts to fall in tune because of "g".
-If assumed that each floor is about ten feet,
with a little space left over here and there along the way, 25 stories could be about 257.218 feet or 78.4 meters. A time of 4 seconds is equal to [2(78.4 meters)/g]^1/2, and corresponds to t = (2d/g)^1/2.
was Galileo's amusement in such things to develop the staged background for little "g 9.8", as an actual and supposedly continuous force; and it is the most peculiar ingredient of the equation for distance and time (d=1/2gt^2 or t=(2d/g)^1/2) given for bodies
in vertical free fall acceleration. Ridiculous as it was, the old cock developed this formula to fit his theory by rolling marbles and metal balls down ramps, and dropping garbage and cannon balls off the Leaning Tower of Pisa; but the equation is more than
a buck short, since it makes no allowance for variations in weight or density of the objects involved themselves.
It must play a little mischief with the facts, that rate of density in the
atmosphere would be considered, as an environmental friction affecting the results, while density in the cannon ball itself is dismissed. And the formula ignores maximum acceleration attained by different weights from different altitudes, since every
weight naturally reaches a maximum velocity in free fall, all other things being equal, and a finite weight cannot accelerate infinitely.
a sort of basic illustration, gained from rolling marbles or metal balls down ramps, to outline an abstract theory, the formula d = 1/2gt^2 may be okay; but it puts no limit on velocity increasing ad infinitum by t^2, and with no proper regard for
the significance of actual speciation in weight and density in the first place. A finite weight cannot accelerate infinitely, certainly; and the formula is really only saying 5 meters times or measured into whatever seconds squared, per second per
second for everything as one, no matter what which it is. Since "g" is 9.8m/s^2, it is around 10m/s^2, which can be simplified as 4.9 or 5 meters, as t^2 is left from (s^2)^2.
On into the lists, figures of all sorts, as high or low as things can be, the eye seeing roundabout would also tend to configure, as well as think or see, where
there are any number of circumstances; and many so interested simply say 32 feet per second per second, besides hiding the argument that all numbers are equal, or should be so in the sands of
the sea, where the Earth causes the weight. And in the case of the falling apple of 25 stories, 4 seconds squared times 5 meters equals 80, with rounding off for simplification close enough to 78.4 meters. Therefore, the distance in meters, or displacement
force of "g", is approximately as simple as 5 times whatever seconds of fall squared, from rocks and fish tanks to stars and objects of whatever size for anvils.
O mysterium enim saxorum cadentium
et stellarum. O the mystery of falling rocks and stars ..."a friend to all is a friend to none", they said, considering the difficulty of things. Et qui audimus audita dicunt, when so many find themselves
in a tight spot, where the formula method of Galileo may seem convenient, as petite indoctrination into choir practice, of the ways of heliocentrism, yet to leave the full complexity of distance, time, and velocity of weights interposed in vertical free
fall a little short, as things woud chance to come to short commons. And, of course, as an item in the mist, besides the questions of such pains, it was created from an ulterior motive anyway.
rolling marbles down tricky ramps and lab work shenanigans, Galileo would use the equation strictly as a way to serve his heliocentric method, to prop up "gravitation" as a continuous and aethereal force in physics: the occult action-at-a-distance sine
qua non. As natural theories of motion referred themselves to a stationary Earth, which was obviously a simple and authentic inertial frame of reference, so normative and descriptive of things in occurrence about it, Galileo had to develop alternative and
"relative" theories of motion and physics to justify his involvement in heliocentrism. More complex rather than simply authentic, Galileo's theory of the constant force of gravity as gravitation,
and his false law of falling bodies were early and important parts of this program.
His absurd law of falling bodies would represent that the speed of a falling body is independent of its
weight, density, and mass, as if any variable would be independent of what it is, and that under the influence of gravity alone all bodies fall with equal acceleration. Thus, according to
Galileo, if gravity as gravitation is reckoned the scientifically consequential force acting on a weight in free fall, its fall can be described as uniformly accelerated due to the "force of gravitation" alone: and then the acceleration of falling
bodies is the same for all of them, each second per second, by the by, during which any of them falls.
As though the motion of any body would be purely independent of the what itself, the quiddity,
which it never is and cannot be -- no matter the situation or altitude. Yet for Galileo, the hypothetical sameness of falling would not be independent of the envelope of atmospheric affects/effects, including density in the air or condition of the winds,
which would be called "friction". It is okay, therefore, according to Galileo, to note density or occlusion of the atmosphere, or friction of the path, but not of the object itself, the thing-in-itself, das Ding an sich.
However much confusion is appropriate for intellectual analysis, this sort of ridiculous game is kept up even today, because "gravity", as a continuous force, is needed to explain the crazy theory of heliocentrism in the first place.
Remember that it is said that the Sun is driving the Earth around it in revolving orbits of tremendous astronomical force, even without wings or sails, because of gravity. To spin, spin, spin, but like heliocentrism itself, upon closer examination, so called
"gravity" turns out to be only an abstract expression, a paper tiger out of its head, theoretics with teeth only to serve false argument.
False argument in the rub not the word itself is the problem, as St. Augustine
referred to gravity too, for the unavoidable fact is that heavier weights do accelerate more in free fall. Falling is not an abnormality in nature or numbers, as indeed they fall faster, and the bigger they come, the harder they fall. Every mover worth any
ergonomic salt knows that what is heavier and harder to lift is faster to fall, and faster to fall is falling faster. That which is more difficult to move because of its weight will also fall more rapidly from a tall building than other things that are lighter.
Lifting is to falling, as falling is to lifting, as nature keeps her course for feathers, bowling balls, and pianos, as much as being is to becoming.
There is a way to bring all things
into singular relation as the heaviness must go to the center as what becomes the rest. Superintendence si souvenir un peu. As many or as few who would be born under the lily to grow under a rose, for instance, the weight of the world ends where it is. Not
so much away from itself or in other things is the force; and they say for circumstances, "the bigger the aircraft, the greater the prop wash," as bigger the boat greater the wake.(65)
To people who work in insurance claims with common sense, Galileo's law of falling bodies is absurd, except for the tricky motivation
and close calls in the margins. And just as gravitation as a constant force is needed for the theory of heliocentrism, so the law of falling bodies is needed for gravity to insinuate any sense of activity that is that is ... that is that is that is that is
... that is that is that is that is that is that is that is. As a strangely mechanistic unitary and perpetual force of cosmic order within heliocentrism, gravity must act uniformly almost like religion. It must act constantly, homogeneously, isotropically,
and instantaneously, otherwise it would not be universal and so cosmic, and it would have nothing to do with why the Earth could supposedly be flying around in space and orbiting the Sun.
For the
idiocies of heliocentrism des imbéciles and the nonexcluded middle to chew gum and walk, an isotropic and instantaneous force of universal agency is needed -- to function as a substitution principle for two fundamental and self-evident constants that
already exist, and confirm the science of geocentrism, namely,
1. the immobility of the Earth and
2. the constant proportionality between qualities and elements.
In other words, little g and big G would substitute a deceptive calculus for the already evident balance, stasis, and harmony super-di-divum of the Earth that is not moving.
Three components of Galileo's system of false substitution were:
1. gravity as gravitation as a universal force
2. law of falling bodies
3. undetectable and "unaccelerated"
motion of the Earth, with
Copernican "invariance" and "inertial relativity"
To help his theory of fall, Galileo preferred to use two disingenuous examples, first, a storm cloud of hailstones, and second, two or more weights attached by a rope. A
third example, that came after the invention of the air pump in 1650 (Galileo passed away 1642) is a coin and pointed feather manipulated in an extra-limited vacuum of air, as well as the trick can be obtained atop the spinning world, for a very quick margin
and dubious comparison. NASA famously attempted a demonstration of Galileo's law of fall, with a hammer and pointed feather, on what was supposed to be the surface of the Moon, but was a contrived
movie set on Earth in 1971, as part of the TV dinner entertainment of the completely faked Apollo 15 Moon landings.
Et cetera, et cetera, rather, like actual weight and structure of materials,
aerodynamics, of course, will affect rate of fall in the margins, yet it is not due to universal gravity that broken wings do not fly.
The simple fact remains that everything does
not fall at 32 feet per second per second, as much as whatever does is not everything, and everything is not what does. Everything as the greatest collective or everything individuated individually
is as circumstantial as things on top of other things or which side, and circumstances in geometry and direction of an instance in space are not from "gravity". The numbers themselves as well as any of their operations involved in space do not violate the
law of the excluded middle involved in identity and difference and origin that is in likeness and cause and effect. Consider what object it would be that would fall at exactly the rate of Galileo's law of fall, in short notes 32 feet per second per second,
and consider its natural proportion and limit among things. Being that object, its proportion and limit are not the same as everything or all other objects possible to measure, so one should know that this law is false, since natural measures share a common
basis in quantity and quality.
Therefore, in the silence, Galileo et Spinoza per nubes, when the rain is falling, as far and high away as the sky goes, it is like the rate of acceleration
of a forgotten password, when one can almost remember but just barely cannot gather the scope. If it is the force and presence of the earth that causes the weight of the butterfly, then something of the flutter, which is also the "gravity" too and the breeze,
then to find direction about and about to the center in the question of how big is everything anyway, and how far may a fall go, all one has to do is cancel the reservation.
And it was on vacation
to Málaga in Spain, not so far from Despeñaperros, that somebody saw a feat near the hotel where they built a tower 79 meters tall or just a bit more than 256 feet, to test old Galileo's theories by the by, per second per second, because
the Earth spins to orbit the Sun. One fellow said that whatsoever it be, it should go about four seconds to hit the dirt, as 32 feet is per second, and that is to the tune of the seconds units squared. Another said that no, "it is seconds per second and that
is by each second singly simply, not doubled up", since time has to be what it is for universal reckoning, and it should take about eight. In any case, at the tower platform up above, there was a great Castilain fighting bull, something close to nearly 1,400
lb. or so in aspect, fierce but subdued he was and a black cat also, just a juvenile not a fat one at his side, and they wanted to see who would hit the ground first. Between those two it was assumed by all odds and bets that the bull should hit first, before
the cat, just as he ought to land before a mere drop of blood. So they let them go, as much as Spain is the cause of bull and cat, and the bull with his bellowing airs did hit the first, by the by, and the meowing cat came in a second.
O what a tripping science it is in the shape and nature of space where the ends of the world come to a point in so many sides at once. Empty buckets and buckets full all the same in illo pichiono for what the how
when the who. Later that night by a breezeway light, a moth of the local choir sings to a garden lamp, "I'm a tiny tiny thing, ever flying in the spring. Round and round a ringarring. Long ago I was a king, now i do this kind of thing on the wing, on the wing!
Bing bing bing!
Section II
Since he taught that due to universal gravitation objects in
different weights and weight classes, even with identical aerodynamics and surface volume, do not fall at different rates, not within gradations of particular force due to specifically different weights, Galileo looked cleverly as he could to explain
a few confusing conversational examples. Oxymoronic expressions like "unaccelerated motion", therefore, would even today disguise some of the claims.
Shrewd as he was, clever as a serpent but not innocent like a dove, for conversation he would say, for instance, that hailstones come in many different sizes, and they all reach the ground together. If heavier weights with greater density
fall faster, the heavier hailstones would have to be manufactured higher up in a storm cloud than the smaller and lighter ones ... and exactly the right distance higher up so that they reached the ground together with the lighter ones formed at lower
altitudes. It seemed rather unlikely to him that hailstones thrown from a storm cloud were being manufactured at different altitudes like that, so he said a much simpler explanation is that all hailstones are made virtually in the same area inside a cloud,
roughly enough so that they all fall together too, with the same velocity, whatever their weight.
Therefore, large hailstones landed on the ground alongside the smaller ones, because all free falling
objects accelerate equally due to the "force of gravity" alone, even independently of weight, if it were possible, and, therefore again, at the same uniform speed in free fall: thusly, t=(2d/g)^1/2.-1
when ships in grave danger of sinking caught in stormy seas dump the heavier cargo first, to keep the ship afloat, it is because sinking is to falling as falling is to sinking. Nobody on a ship in
serious trouble under a dangerous storm on a bad sea wastes any time with Galileo's false law of falling bodies, "that all weights fall with a uniform rate due to the force of gravity". Sailors in peril throw away the heavier cargo first, no questions
asked, for there is more buoyancy in air and water with things that are lighter; but, according to Galileo, throw sunflowers overboard to help save the ship, and it is as good as throwing out a crate of bowling balls.
And as the whirpool comes around, for the earth to orbit the sun in due order, the quantity of density in the figure of the weight does not matter, of course, according to gravitation, and gravitation itself then does not matter either,
not innately even according to the things themselves.
Such a fool also reasoned that if two bricks of the same weight and size fall at the same rate, when side by side, the thing should be under
the same equal influence too when cemented together. Therefore, a single brick should fall just as fast as the heavier two bricks together, pari passu, and so on with as many as there could be in a bag or a truck. However, Galileo's principle of equivalence
is not how honest companies do business, of course, because the principle and number in the connection matters. Shipping, packaging, handling, and the cost of gold go up per se with increase of weight, and it is not all equivalent in the itemizations. Two
bars of gold cost more to buy and to ship than one. Even if they have an offer of two for one, the two for one bargain still costs more in nature than the one. It is impossible to escape costs, even for a free lunch in the margins, and two is more than one,
as three is more than two, and so it goes ad infinitum.
Besides accountants and clerks at the post office, many reasonable people may disagree with the yonder ways of Galileo. When honest investigators
have taken the time to conduct tests of falling bodies, their weights, and measures, they have always discovered that heavier weights do accelerate more and fall faster. It is scientifically provable and repeatable, as all things in order have their measure,
number, and weight, as much as one day follows another, and the weeks add up 52 per year.
One account is that Galileo and some peripatetic (old school) professors dropped various cannon balls and
melons from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and Galileo was clearly proven wrong, poco a poco. The heavier cannon balls always landed sooner, but even then Galileo would not relent or admit his error. He only manuevered again, stiffened the neck, resisted,
retrenched, and claimed it was because of discongruities in air resistance between them, curious atmospheric affects, and that the differences in fall between heavier cannonballs and lighter melons were relatively small, and not nearly so great as the differences
in their actual weights. It could only be air resistance in the results, friction in the atmospheric affects, therefore, that made for the disparities; and besides, he would say, overall the sum total in errors of the old school Aristotelians were egregious
in comparison. Their mistakes were much greater and more emabrrassing, certainly, for all the clouds, because they still insisted like cave men that the Sun orbited the Earth and the Earth was not moving.
"Eppur, si muove!" he would cackle and howl like a high school demon, and turn to go his way home. "Nevertheless, it moves", he would murmur in the rain by the library, imagining the Earth moves with an unaccelerated
motion because of the Sun. Was it only because of the bright glare of the midday Sun, in so many sunny days, and an obscure telescopic discovery that Galileo would be so crazy?
For one last illustration, think for a moment, Galileo would say, that if it was true that the heavier the object the faster its fall, what would happen if some small rocks in comparison with a really big
one, that was truly heavy, were tied together individually, rock-and-rope to rock-and-rope, like a spider's web, with some slack in the chords joining them, and they were thrown from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa ... some other day?
On the one hand, the tied-together littler rocks would fall slower than the big rock alone, and lag behind, to slow it down, and disturb its descent in the air; but on the other, the tied-together collection should
fall faster, because all added together they would constitute a greater weight.
Yet this sort of argumentation peculiar to Galileo would intuit that in free fall the lighter rocks accelerate less
and fall behind the heavier, and that since the littler rocks are individually tied to the bigger one, they slow the bigger one down -- piece by little piece. Yet this influence, if it were enough to prove the
Earth moves, would be discrete not continuous, from rock to rock, which contradicts the theory of gravitation. As the chords would lose slack from the smaller rocks dragging behind the bigger rock, not the bigger rock moving ahead, or vice
versa, the phenomena are still as discrete as the circumstances not continuous as the objects involved themselves.
The bigger one added to the littler ones represents more weight than the
bigger one by itself; yet the combination of total weight for the rocks together, which is greater, is falling slower in free fall, than the bigger one would by itself, since the littler ones disturb it and slow it down. So a greater weight in combination
would be almost buoyed by little rocks falling in air, and descend to Earth more slowly than an isolated lesser one. Therefore, to resolve any sense of confusion, about the Earth orbiting the Sun, Galilean relativity would say "that all objects fall at
the same rate, due to gravitation, regardless of their weight."-2
So on an so forth, alwaysthemore nevertheless, from little awkward sand pebbles and diamonds to cannon balls and beach balls and
the feathers of a bird, all as one to weigh such things in the scales.
This sort of convoluted distortion of coincidental,
accidental, and marginal means, from loosely contrived situations, meant to Galileo that in order to avoid absurd judgments, his logic in knacks and shifts would force the new scientism to join his conclusions. Odd as it was in the abscess of dispositions, the
idea that all objects fall within a velocity equally independent of their weights was crucial to the heliocentric theory of gravity. For if Galileo's law of fall should fail, then so would the theory of heliocentrism kept up in all the gravitation -- and that
would be the end of the same in the first place.
Galileo's sophomoric tricks to confuse things by keeping the subject marginal, using deceptive methods of equivocation and insufficiency, with no
good purpose in sight, must have been an entertainment for him to make total absurdity the shepherd of innocent people. The correct thing to do then in response would be to look for greater clarity than the merest means to avoid a backwards rendition of stupid
So take a 500 lbs. anvil and a dozen ping pong balls and drop them tied together in long fine macrame cotton cords (pinning the ping pong balls to ends of the thin ropes) and then
separately. Either way it will become evident that heavier weights do accelerate more and fall faster, and where would the mysterious power of gravity be in that repertoire? The Earth orbits the Sun because anvils and ping pong balls are so different? Yet
the so-called force of gravitation is not of any significance in the anvil, the ping pong balls, or the rope, other than identity and difference in the very weight of the item in question itself.
truth is that there is no effective gravitational force between them. Anvils do not move ping pong balls on their own, and little "g(9.8)" is never of any practical measure other than as density, weight, mass, pressure, and design of the nexus for connection. If examined closely, the complicated formulas and relative inertial frames of reference of "gravity" represent at
most only a coextensive series in attributions of things.
Collected between shoe boxes, air compressors, and bricks, for instance, things exist poco a poco, talis qualis tantum, with specific qualifications of elemental structure and design. Divide everything by one for the same difference, by the by, leaving everthing as it is, of course, and it would be the same coincidence as for
Natural motion in a fractional world is not so continuous as division by one, however, even
for Newton's apple. The practical significance in physics of motion as only divsion by one would be considered nil, certainly, were it not for actual agencies like impetus, acceleration, accomodation,
and momentum that are not simply as one but ad hoc in discrete variables and properties, et cetera.
by the inverse squared is not affecting big birds or little ones, for example, and it does not account for the size in fish, nor the differences in motion there, in water or out, nor the feathers or water off a duck's back, any more than it does not affect
the largeness of the hippopotamus or anvils. Ever dubious with the burden of proof, it never affected any of Galileo's rocks, bricks, cannon balls, or marbles, and it is not for gravity that broken bones can be such a medical problem.
Cum testimonia adsunt rerum, quid opus est verbis? When evidence of the facts is present, what need is there of words? If things would be restored, let the object account for itself and the weight.
Between the weakest and most undetectable force of physics, that cannot move the tiniest refrigerator magnet, or a marble on a glass table at midnight in the open air of a full moon, and between absolute level zero, where there would
be nothing at all, if it could fit some place except for the void of the abyss, is where there would be the greatest concentration of the power of "gravity". There where it is effectively pure zero between the salt water and the sea strand, always
disappearing yet ready to square the circle again, is where the force of gravity would be most convenient, as a cloud up in smoke.
"Observe, measure, verify: here's the business of the scientist"(3),
and gravity does not push, pull, or bend light, or affect the wind, clouds, or rain, or the phototropism of sunflowers; and it does not move marbles across the parlor floor. It-that-would-be-would-that-it-were
almost perhaps, but does not affect the wandering albatross in flight over the sea, or give an anvil made of helium that special lift that only it could have. Natural creaturely exhaustion and boredom affect large birds in flight, not gravity. A wandering
albatross, Diomedea exulans, could continue flying on the wind forever, to sail away as well as any swan here and gone, singing quietly in the tune of geometric theorems, and never be affected by gravity. Newton's inverse square is not affecting a wing or
feather in flight any more than the wind or clouds are carried by the Bank of England or the Bank for International Settlements. A condor finally lands on a tree on a mountain because of its own natural repertoire in the interstices of exhaustion and
ease, boredom and habit, not because of "gravity".
Not more than division by zero
is undefined, not more than that which- is-not except-for-the-theory does not affect even the littlest empids hidden in trees, or the
biggest hippopotamus for all his weight, and not because the hippo does not have wings. A hippopotamus rests in his warren of lake, river, or pond many hours of the day, because of the simple beneficial bouyancy of water, not because of gravity,
or ice cubes frozen inside island volcanoes.
If the scientism would quit the deception, and one day it took a great hippo and a condor, instead of enough rocks, and tied them together to test Galileo's
law of fall from the steepness of a mountain cliff, they would discover that Galileo's law of fall and the heliocentric theory of gravity are misfigured. After tossed from the edge, the condor tied to the hippo could not fly, not because of gravity but because
the hippopotamus was so gigantic and heavy. The hippo would plummet to the ground also, not because of Newton, but because air is too rarefied to support him without wings (without wings a gooney bird cannot fly and neither can a hippo) as the elasticity of
air is too passable, and lacks the more resilient buoyancy and relaxing support of a body of water on the surface of the earth.
Gravity is not what brings them crashing to the ground, the condor
tied to the hippo for a bloody mess in science; and if an attached hippopotamus cannot bring a condor or wandering albatross to the ground because of gravity, then nothing can.
If on another day,
the hippopotamus had tried to rest in a pine tree instead, to sing a song like a little summer robin, he would break the branches not because of gravity but because of the lack of structural support for his weight in the branches. When he came crashing down,
it would not have had anything to do with Newtonian gravitation or Cambridge or Yale. The commotion would have been all between him and the little pine.
If the power of gravity does not affect an anvil made of pure concentrated helium, as it floats in the wind, when dropped from 25 stories, how does it affect one made of styrofoam or balsa wood, or another made of lead and steel
plate, any more than a llama (lama glama)?
If world scientism of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy took a 1,200 lbs. anvil made of lead and steel plate, and another of the same spatial volume and exterior
design, but made only from a thin yet firm shell of balsa wood, all hollow on the inside, and then a third of the same volume and design as the other two, but made from a very light durable balloon, filled with pure helium, and then dropped them from
25 stories high, they would obey Galileo's false law of falling bodies and his false law of gravity?
Of course not, not more than kites or Kitty Hawk, where the heaviest anvil would hit the ground
first, and the helium one would fly away with the wind, as a hippopotamus who wants to fly could only dream. If gravity is not a force between three anvils and many marbles, ants, birds, clouds, hippopotami, and the wind, then it is not a force between NASA
and the Sun and the Moon either.
In a letter Newton himself confessed that it "is ... so great an absurdity" to teach that "gravity
should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter, so that one body may act upon another at a distance, through a vacuum, without the mediation of anything else, by and through which their action and force may be conveyed from one to another ... that I believe
no man who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it."-4 Yet without such the pretense anyway, heliocentrism fails, of course, at all points, due to the spherical nature of the Earth. If gravity is not a lateral force,
then certainly not a vertical one either, as between x,y, and z all things come around to a point. Therefore, as there is always circle and sphere even to a penny, gravity loses its hand at cards within
the logic of geometry and the nature of space.
A 1,200 lbs. anvil made of lead, dropped at the Eiffel Tower from a height
of 25 stories, or from higher up at the top, (2"21'03E), will fall straight down vertically toward the point of its longitude and latitude, in Paris, with very little affect from the wind. It would have to be a strong wind indeed to move it like
styrofoam. But if scientism drops another 1,200 lbs. anvil from 25 stories in Jefferson City, Missouri (92"10'25W) or Norilsk, Russia (88"13'02E), at the same time, lateral lines vice versa are formed to the Eiffel Tower's situation, since the vertical in
Missouri and Russia is lateral in Paris. Even as purely vertical accelerations continue from up to down, gravity around the earth, little "g (9.8)", would then be acting sideways to itself in Paris, for instance, from another worldwide circle of locations,
which, however, it does not.
None of the 1,200 lbs anvils dropped in Paris, Jefferson City, or Norilsk would move horizontally at all to
the development of acceleration in free fall, due to the presupposed "force of gravity". Yet the falling weights in Norilsk and Jefferson City move sideways to the ones in Paris, due to the spherical curvature of the Earth. At any 90 degrees
of turning to the sides, all around in another circle, in any sphere like the Earth, the vertical line of the place before, from another situation, becomes the horizontal as to all of them, and except for the common center, the spherical shape of space becomes
an unsolvable problem for "gravity".
Looking at the picture objectively, in total 3-D, in the great sphere of space, the
idea of Newtonian gravitation acting universally by the inverse squared becomes unsustainable, since up or down as much as sideways, in a true sphere, is of arbitrary distinction, as much as north or south, and east or west. So if gravity is not a lateral
force, then it is not vertical either. So it goes, the sideways to the vertical, and vice versa, in simple terms of the spherical nature of space, are conventional and represent labels in terms of
the order of position not from the essential or primary form of substance.
By all the zoomy blisters of so many lifetimes spent at sea, two kinds are in the direction to the bottom. One is the
perpendicular to the surface tangent of a sphere, and the other is the way to the center. In the distribution of these two kinds in logical sets, one aspect later becomes the horizontal, from extension to 90 degrees over the horizon roundabout, while the other
curves round with the edge, in constant adjustment to the center and the proper way down. In either case, these cute differences in the lines in further development show that "gravity" as a force is not the reason for falling, or the sinking of boats, not
any more than heaviness in such and such a place and the natural geometry of the center, as the things that are too dense for air fall down.
With space, as much as real estate and geometry, they say it is location, location, location, which also means circumstances, yet location and circumstance by themselves do not constitute a hypothetical force like gravity, not any more than
weight by itself constitutes a source of motion. The theory of gravity argues for a continuous force but specific locations and types of heaviness in loco are discrete. Theoretical gravity cannot address the outcomes of all circumstances any more than there
is not a universal solution to variously mixed up rubik's cubes; and neither "gravity" nor rubik's cubes can do better than the natural geometry of space in the first place.
If it were true, what
Newton, Galileo, and Kepler taught, gravity would not operate only because it is here or there specifically, as according to mere objects and circumstances, but rather because it is supposedly everywhere. Yet mere objects and circumstances can rise to the
total evidence themselves, as in the sinking of the USS Maine, where the explosion was either internal or external, this way or that way, and nothing in the total terms to do with "gravity".
to the theory, gravity around the Eiffel Tower does not work at the place or from this side or that side because it is Paris when the thing is there. However, in contradiction of Newtonian theory, whatever falls from the tower does fall because
of the place, and the disposition of a side, as much as the placement. The results of dead weight are discrete not continuous if an anvil falls from the tower; and it falls because of the placement in space, an ad hoc variable, and, therefore, not as a result
of supposed gravitational pull from the Earth. Anvils that fall through the sky are even like the mail: they do not fall from everywhere, and are not continuous, but discrete, and the mail that gets delivered is not from gravity either.
Since all three locations are north of the equator at different parallels, (Jefferson City 38"34"36N, Paris 48"51"24N, Norilsk 69"20"00N)
and the distance between Paris and them is less than exactly one quarter of the circumference of the earth, the example is not quite perfect, yet the point is the same as when taken from a tall tower set directly over the center of the North pole. From
a tower set directly there, every vertical drop of a heavy rock represents a lateral acceleration to every point of meridian along the equator -- through all the degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc around the earth. Then from any tower on the earth,
at any 90 degree turn, there is a similar "equatorial" umbrella of lateral lines in relation to it --- formed at all points in a circle 6,225.5 miles or so away.
Since "gravity" is weaker than all forces we are able to experience directly, and little "g(9.8") is only hypothetical in theoretical physics, then as a supposed radial
force emitted from the Earth itself, if it is not horizontal at all, when charged up by the displacement of a 1,200 lbs anvil in free fall acceleration, it is not vertical either, because the Earth, like the cosmos itself, is all around a sphere.
To make so many discoveries in the simplcities and moities of space, of so many sides to a center, and a center again, it is the wellness of geometry that brings things to a collection. In meteorology Aristotle
noticed the circle too where the elements gather. When a golfer makes a golf ball drop, to follow the rules in parallel, he does not move the ball sideways. He lets it drop perfectly along the vertical axis -- only by "gravity". So people watching should admit, even according to the rules, that gravity is not transverse but strictly vertical in loco.
However, since the Earth and the cosmos are spheres,
gravity cannot be an exclusively vertical force, if it were universal. The only way that gravity could be an exclusively vertical force is if the earth were flat, yet the world is not flat any more than an "oblate spheroid", and the Earth, in fact, has neither an equatorial bulge nor squeezed-in polar caps, which is what heliocentrism pretends.
Therefore, let it be resolved that the hypothetical force of gravity is not an actual power that pulls, pushes, or impels things. Build a tower and test everything. One will see that heliocentric gravitation is a hoax. The displacement force
of a 1,200 lbs anvil dropped in free fall from the top of the Eiffel Tower does not come from gravitation, which never has been discovered to spin anything at 1038 mph either, much less the equator every day with such perfect timing for so many years -- with
nobody ever being able to notice, except for the detectable undetectable "unaccelerated" rotation of the calendar of the world.
an anvil set on the platform of a tower needs support, it is not because of any force of gravitation pulling it down to earth that makes it so heavy. As its concentration of weight and density make evident, there is also no force of gravitation that will
push the anvil up, or away from the earth, or around it like the moon either. If an anvil elevated in a tower lacks sufficient structural support, or if the support that it may have had begins to fail, it will come plummeting down to earth because of simple
gravitas, from concentration of the density and weight that are too much for air, not because of any occult action-at-a-distance from the so-called force of gravitation emitted to it from the earth.
Supposedly universal, the theory of gravity is not based strictly on location of events or actual weight of objects involved, but on the would-be continuous effect of the hypothetical hypnotic force itself,
which would have an isometric distribution, homogenous among things and groups by the inverse squared, yet without forming any lateral lines around the surface of a sphere. When the so-called force does not at all signal along any horizontal lines around the
Earth, however, then it is not isotropic but discrete, and that in direction; and the geometric fraction of that is in the one thinnest direction down. But being discrete and broken in such a way, along the vertical line of fall, only going down to the center
like a rock off a cliff, does not fit the theory. The drop from a cliff is not what makes things in the universe go round and round.
Rather, for what would be a universal force, the phenomenon appears restricted from point to point, even for the merest happenstance, when one considers that the line of vertical descent represents less than 1/360
(.0027) of a circle, and less than 1/8640 (.000115740) of a sphere divided into 24 circles. Gravity would have that small of a fractional part of the world of motion around all points across the surface of the Earth, while impetus and momentum have the rest.
It should become apparent with examination, therefore, that impetus and assimilation -- not gravity as a force without the weight -- also have the line of vertical descent. By simple integration of geometry, impetus and momentum, in quale quid, take the whole
circle and sphere of motion away from "universal gravity".
Like Huygens principle, every original motion represents some
form of wave propagation, from or to a center, and it is not because of any force of Newtonian gravitation that the ground floors of heavy high rise buildings are not built out of balsa wood. Certainly it is because of the various concentrations of density
and material strength that exist in the weight, design, structure, and quality of intension that obtains in things.
Objects in outer space moving around the earth are not tapping at the windows
or knocking on walls late at night, of course, and neither is gravity a ghost bumping tables or chairs, ruffling curtains, or closing doors. Anything that moves or opened or closed is moved ad hoc by some motive principle of impetus that must be formed and
materialized within the substance, structure, design, and moieties of the elements, and that is not gravity.
Since it is weaker
than all forces we are able to experience directly, no one can tell that the earth revolves, of course, "because of gravity". As well, no one can tell that anything that has moved or is in motion is "because of gravity" or "gravitation". "Gravity" thus represents
the peculiar case of an unthinking word, a circular name for some heliocentric nonsense that, for the sake of explanation in the theory of heliocentrism, is an excuse for motion.
In the "Third Spiritual Alphabet", Francisco de Osuna wrote of the case of a two-headed man who for strangeness could not have been far different from the
school of heliocentric relativity, or the reflections of Kepler, Galileo, Newton, and Einstein. "Now if a two-headed man wanted to become a Christian, it would have to be determined before
baptizing him if he had two wills and if so, that would imply two souls, in which case they would have to christen each head with a different name, and, afterwards, if the one displayed a wicked, perverse will and the other a good one, the first would be damned
and the second saved, God carrying off one half of the body, the devil, the other. I do not know how to judge people with two hearts except to recall the example of the two-headed man and on that basis give him the double name 'Monk Of-the-World'."-5
The "Monk Of-the-World" of divided heart could express a two-headed contradiction that would work itself out for science in terms like
Copernicanism: from Kepler and Galileo, to Newton and Foucault, to Fitzgerald-Lorentz and Einstein. Yet the heart, according to Empedocles and others, would be the seat of wisdom, with the understanding needed to guide the brains, even if a man had
two heads anyway, and they were both sorely confused. For when the trouble of thinking too much boils the brain, its nerves may be math-fummdiddled and hypnotised more than a good clean heart.
call one thing brain washing and another thing cowardice. Empedocles figured that what is called "thought" or "contemplation" resides chiefly in the blood that circulates around the heart, running in and out: "for the blood round the heart is the thought of
men", he said.-6 And having two hearts, "one contrary to the other", is a "condition that is worse than having two noses or tongues," or even two heads with two brains.-7
All the world's
a stage and an actor should be able to concoct the universe in the palm of his hand, even in a weird situation, but "woe to the man with a double heart, and the sinner who enters the land by two roads": vae duplici corde et peccatori terram ingredienti duabus
And "woe to them who have lost patience, and who have forsaken the right ways, and have gone aside into crooked ones": vae his qui perdiderunt sustinentiam, qui dereliquerunt vias rectas,
et deverterunt in vias pravas."-9
There was a legend from the days of King Solomon of a two-headed man who fathered seven children. His first six children were mono-capite and received one seventh
of the inheritance each, but there was also a double-headed son who came to Solomon's court and demanded a double portion, since he argued that he could be interpreted for two as well as one.
decided to test the case in a difficult fashion for the plaintiff(s), who later wished in all his bones to have changed all his mind sooner. In the event, in any case, the bailiff and cashier tried the subject with scalding water, and the claim was denied,
because when one head suffered they both screamed at once with the same fear. Since the court gave him only one seventh like the others, and he was burned and left with court costs besides, the legend goes that two heads are not always better than one, and
not either the ellipse over the circle.
Then far away in science fiction bubbles of time and space, too-da-loop, too-da-loop,
in a Lee Marvin style movie like Gorky Park or Emperor of the North, a chimera appeared: one with the face of a lovely woman, ruby lips, mysterious eyes, and a rubied diadem, yet the feet of a buzzard and tail of a serpent. She was a monstrous confusion
of arcane knowledge, and confessed in a reedy voice, that "when one has had its bugs inside the brains, heliocentrism is nothing more than an old fool's poor cabin fever: the suffering headaches of a two-headed man." She laughed derisively, cackle and howl
in the high pitch of a witch, "ha, ha, ha -- a rendezvous with idiot calculations, complex falsities, and sophomoric disingenuities, one glyph double-crossed against the other".
"Ha, ha, ha",
the villainous risibility, like the hands of a chimera hidden in a typical science book, they write: "the pull of gravity on Mars is considerably less than that on the Earth; as a matter of fact, a man weighing 180 pounds on Earth would weigh only 68 pounds
on Mars, and Soviet astronomers say that the Martian atmosphere contains the same amount of oxygen that we have in high mountain regions on Earth."-10
Total nonsense. "Out you tainted spot! Out!"
he cried. "Notte e giorno faticare, yet how depravity exults. The interstices of this science are impudent with poisonous fumes. The sulphuric air of it burns like a curse." Skunk scent and weedy smoke come out the ears, and the globe and scepter of the fiend
of the spinning and flying earth are obnoxious to anyone who would save common sense. In the real world of physics, the theory of heliocentrism cannot make it across the street even for all the wrong ways to interpret the data. It does not do anything
of value from here to Mars or Antares more than a chimera. There is no smoke, percolation, or engine exhaust that comes from any honest part of it.
Yet illusions may be as numerous as the relationships existing among things and words, but when one disappears, that is when the essence or fact is seen such as it is. Then the mind may experience "a strange feeling, complicated partly by regret for
the vanished phantom, partly by a pleasant surprise before the new, before the real fact."-11 And when the illusions of Copernicus and theoretical scientism would be lifted, even the word "gravity" would still apparently continue to have some natural
and popular usage as a widely convenient term to express weight and effects of concentration.
That was the way St. Augustine, for example, referred to it in the first place. Without
being difficult, it is easy to know what people like Jack Nicklaus and Johhny Miller mean when they want to say gravity, when talking about "gravity golf", for example. Even though it is said with little
sense of clarity or qualification in the terms -- correctly understanding that it has nothing to do with why the Moon and Sun circle the Earth -- the word still expresses a practical lesson in golf, and so on, where an old truth prevails.
But what may be new again is the awareness of it that cannot go far wrong. For practical reasons then, due to ingrained habits of expression, people will keep using the word "gravity" as a wide net, as much
as they please. However, even as St. Augustine reckoned it as "gravitas", it only refers to an ontological property of things taken together, as they are, even at the roots and of themselves, collected in synthesis of the qualities and elements. The reference
is a slight tautology of nature, natural therefore, natura naturans, natura naturata, of a coextensive attribute of being, evident for comparison in physics, logic, and math, since when things are heavy with some concentrated density, or force and
vector, that would be one way to express a lot of gravity for the weight of things involved.